December 14, 2018
The Joys of Food
Living Your Best Life

Sustaining the Joys of Food
Few things provide as much pleasure as food. It goes beyond taste. Food can evoke feelings of pure delight, bring forth fond memories, and conjure up images of enchanted vacations. The crab cakes from summer getaways in Cape Cod, the delicious garlic shrimp from the bistro in New York City, the chicken soup from grandma’s kitchen in Westchester. As people age or when they are temporarily recovering, food can truly nourish the body and the soul. Especially during a difficult time, eating delicious food can make one feel whole.
A live-in caregiver can help maintain the joys of food – both in preparing meals and snacks, and assisting with going out to restaurants and events.
Our concierge-level caregivers quickly ascertain which foods appeal to our clients. They listen and, more important, they watch. It’s clear when someone is truly enjoying a meal and when it is merely providing sustenance. With Privatus, our skilled caregivers are finely attuned to our clients’ wants. Merely sufficing is never enough; we want our clients to enjoy life, and food plays a very important role in that.
Food prepared at home by a live-in caregiver gets our deliberate attention. Especially when a client may have diminished interest in eating, food needs to appeal in taste, smell, and appearance. Food can be cooked in the style that a client has long preferred or, if desired, new foods can be introduced for a bit of variety. We find for some who may have temporarily diminished capacity, variety truly can be the spice of life! During the holidays, a caregiver can bring immense pleasure by cooking traditional holiday fare and adored special foods. They can follow beloved rituals to raise the spirits and the appetite.
Often, it’s not just the food that makes a meal so enjoyable – it’s the setting and the people around you. Caregivers provide the extra needed help to get our clients out to restaurants and events. Food plays an important and energizing role – it’s a vehicle for getting out and seeing friends, for being active and social.
Food can bring people together, it can deliver great comfort, and it can boost energy. A skilled caregiver can make food more than a necessity; they can make it a joy in and out of the home.